Are you looking for Imam Hussain quotes?
Explore powerful and inspirational quotes from Imam Hussain,
the grandson of Prophet Muhammad and a symbol of justice,
courage, and sacrifice. Discover his timeless wisdom
on leadership, righteousness, and
the importance of standing up against oppression.
Learn how his words continue to inspire millions around the world today.
Do not say something which would undermine your self-worth.
Crying out of fear from God is salvation from the hellfire
Man of trust always stays in safety.
Silence is an ornament for man
People are slaves of this world. Religion is just what they say
Do not expect to be rewarded more than you deserve.
Imam Hussain Quotes

Muharram is not just a remembrance; it’s a reminder of the stand for truth and justice
Avoid oppressing the one who does not have any supporter against you, other than the Almighty God
The martyrdom of Hussain is a symbol of the victory of the oppressed over the oppressor
Wisdom will not be complete except by following the truth
Deep thinking will present the clearest picture of every problem
Whoever seeks the satisfaction of people through disobedience of God; Then God subjects him to people
Gain peoples praise with your efforts and successes and do not expose yourself to peoples blames through laziness and lethargy
To me , death is nothing but happiness, and living under tyrants nothing but living in a hell
Muharram is the month in which justice rose against injustice and truth stood up against falsehood
The most merciful person is the one who forgives when he is able to revenge.
Those who worship God for the hope of gaining, they’re not real worshipers, they’re merchants. Those who worship God out of fear ( of punishment ), they’re slaves. And those who worship God are grateful to their creator, they are the free people, and their worship is a real one.
Be steadfast and firm in the way toward what is right even if your journey is full of pain and challenges
In the battle of Karbala, Hussain taught us that standing up for truth is the ultimate victory.

If you dont believe in any religion at least be free spirited and honest in your actions
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Beware that the need of people to you is among the blessings of God to you. So do not scare away the needy people when they come to you, as God’s blessings will return and go elsewhere.
The tragedy of Karbala is a reminder that in the face of tyranny, we must remain steadfast in our faith
One who reveals your faults to you like a mirror is your true friend, and one who flatters you and covers up your faults is your enemy.
If you neither believe in religion nor fear the hereafter , then atleast be free from Tyranny and Arrogance
Muharram is the time to reflect on the sacrifices made for justice and righteousness.
Hastiness is foolishness.
The message of Muharram is clear: no matter how great the adversity, never compromise on your principles.
Among the signs of ignorance is arguing with irrational people
Hussain’s sacrifice in Karbala is a timeless symbol of bravery and devotion to the truth.
Among the signs of a learned man is criticizing his own words and being informed of various viewpoints.
Wisdom will not be gained unless through following the right path
Muharram is a lesson for humanity, reminding us that truth and justice will always prevail over tyranny
Being thankful for the grace of God makes God reward you with another grace.
Kindness elevates human beings and faithfulness is a sign of decency
In Muharram, we honor the ultimate sacrifice made in the name of faith and righteousness
The best of wealth is that with which one protects his fame and dignity.
Seeking knowledge will lead you toward wisdom and elevation
The spirit of Muharram inspires us to remain resolute in our commitment to justice and humanity.
Avoid doing what you might later be asked to apologize for it! Because the believer does not harm and does not ask for an apology, while the hypocrite always harms and apologizes.
Hussain’s stand at Karbala is a beacon of hope for those who fight against oppression and injustice.
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When you are frustrated and do not know a way out, only flexibility and moderation toward difficulties will save you
When a poor man begs for your help his pride is hurt. Then you don’t deal another blow to his pride by letting him down
The battle of Karbala is a testament to the unyielding spirit of those who stand for what is right.
Visiting relatives and keeping in touch with them will bring you a longer and more substantial life
Muharram teaches us the value of patience, sacrifice, and unwavering faith in the face of adversity.
Observe your physical health in your lifetime
The tragedy of Karbala is a reminder that the path of righteousness is often fraught with trials and tribulations.
Hussain’s sacrifice is a powerful reminder of the enduring strength of faith and the power of truth.
Should poverty illness and death not exist man would not bow to anything
The message of Muharram is eternal: stand firm in your beliefs, no matter the cost.
Never show off your happiness in front of a person who is sad
The most generous person is the one who offers help to those who do not expect him to help
In the face of injustice, Muharram teaches us to remain strong and unwavering in our convictions.
Tolerance is mans ornament keeping promises is a sign of nobility and bonding with others is grace
Karbala is a reminder that even in the darkest times, the light of truth and justice will always shine through.
The story of Karbala is a powerful example of the triumph of faith and righteousness over tyranny.
Death with dignity is better than life with humility
Muharram reminds us that the path of truth and justice is often paved with sacrifice and hardship
The aim of my revolution is to reform society and revive the true teachings of Islam
To me death for the sake of what is right is nothing but happiness and living under tyrants nothing but living in hell
The martyrdom of Hussain in Karbala is a lesson in courage, faith, and the unwavering pursuit of justice.
Muharram is a time to honour the sacrifice of those who stood up for truth and justice, even in the face of death
Yazid the natural son of an illegitimate has placed me in a dilemma drawing my sword and fighting or being humiliated by allegiance to him
The spirit of Karbala lives on, inspiring us to stand up for what is right, no matter the cost.
O the son of Adam Think for a while and ask yourself Where are the kings and emperors of the world
Muharram is a reminder that true victory lies in standing up for justice and righteousness.
If Husain had fought to quench his worldly desires, then I do not understand why his sister, wife, and children accompanied him. It stands to reason, therefore, that he sacrificed purely for Islam.
Hussain’s stand at Karbala is a timeless reminder that the fight for truth and justice is never in vain.
In a distant age and climate, the tragic scene of the death of Hussain will awaken the sympathy of the coldest reader.
The message of Muharram is one of hope, courage, and unwavering faith in the face of adversity
The world is unable to present an example finer and brighter than the personality of Imam Hussain
Karbala teaches us that the path of righteousness is often difficult, but it is always worth the struggle.
If I had an army like the 72 soldiers of Hussain I would have won freedom for India in 24 hours. Mahatma Gandhi
The sacrifice of Hussain in Karbala is a powerful reminder of the enduring strength of faith and truth.
No tragic event of human history can vie with the end of Hazrat Imam Hussain in point of its heart – rendering pathos in the field of Karbala.
Muharram is a time to reflect on the importance of standing up for justice, even in the face of overwhelming odds.
Is there a heart that may not brim with grief and sorrow when it hears about the tragedy of Karbala, even a non-Muslim also cannot deny the cleanness and purity of this Islamic war.
Imam Hussain’s sacrifice is for all groups and communities, an example of the path of righteousness.
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